WD 40 X Eye Candy
Ear Notch: 5-6
Registration#: 161856006
Price: $200/dose
Overrun Price: $100/dose
Bred by: and owned with Prater Showpigs
- Could be the best Chester boar I have ever seen and comes out of one of the best litters I’ve seen in a long time
- Mother was nine-time champion, one time reserve champion, two times supreme champion overall in the Missouri show circuit
- Littermate brother was class winning boar in the youngest class at the 2024 CPS Summer Type Conference
- One littermate gilt was reserve champion at the Missouri State fair and a five-time champion in the Missouri show circuit
- Another littermate gilt was a five-time champion, a one-time overall supreme champion, and a one-time overall reserve champion
- Littermate barrow was a five-time champion and the champion at the Tennessee State Fair
- Another littermate barrow was three-time champion and champion at the Delta Fair and Music Festival Show