First Breath
Breath Taker x Back Drop x Best Kept Secret
Price: $250/dose
Overrun Price: $150/dose
Bred by: Moyer and owned with Galts
High selling boar from Moyer’s January sale
Mother is a littermate to Back Slap
His pedigree is stacked both on the top and bottom
Boars in the pedigree: Breath Taker, Back Slap, Tricked Out, Never Before, Next Intention, Nothing Compares, Dirty Secret, Best Kept Secret, Lock it Up, Best Man, Blurred Vision, Bear 42, Bear 35, Visionary, Wild Will, Outta Hand, and more
Besides the pedigree, he is phenotypically one awesome critter
Tremendously stout and square
Extreme and super cool look from the side