
Uproar X Hotwire


Ear Notch: 81-5

Registration#: 638075005

Price: $40/dose

Overrun Price: $40/dose

Bred by: Adam Beck Showpigs

Great mamas make great boars. That is something I have always believed in and most of you will remember Magnify’s mama. She was the Hot Wired daughter the Rash family showed last summer bred by Lance Ryan. She was the grand overall breeds at the 2019 summer type conference in Louisville, Kentucky. I heard so many people talking about this gilt saying that she might be the best thing they had ever seen. You have to be pretty special to win grand overall at the summer type conference against the best of the best. It took me a while to find out where this girl went, but she had ended up at Adam Beck‘s. After talking to Adam, I drove up to look at the litter. For some reason my eyes just kept coming back to this one really green boar that was extremely heavy boned and heavy structured. I knew I had to have him. After making a deal with Adam, we brought this guy home and he was probably around 50 to 60 pounds. He was never fed anything special. He actually spent the rest of the winter on unheated, concrete slatted floors, but it didn’t slow him down one bit. He just kept getting better and better every single day. Magnify is one big-footed, heavy-boned, sound, level-topped boar with just the right amount of muscle. When we made the commitment to find the best Yorkshire boars out of the best Yorkshire females, this was one that was a must have. I totally believe in this guy and his background. He will breed on to the next generation and his blood will magnify every positive feature that your females have. This guy will be throwing many future champions that will hang the purple banners.